Qorin of the Iriq

Healer • Elementalist

"And he was the raging river, though he looked the gentle stream."

Basic Info

NICKNAME(S): Q, Little Brother
RACE: Au Ra (Xaela)
GENDER: Intersex (identifies male)
AGE: 31
NAMEDAY: 1st Sun, 4th Umbral Moon (8/1)
SEXUALITY: Demisexual
OCCUPATION: Healer. Elementalist.


Like every male Xaela born to the Borlaaq, Qorin was destined from the moment he was born to be left behind by his mother and adopted by the Iriq tribe. Unlike many male Xaela, though, this boy did not grow up tall and strong. He barely cleared the tallest of his female counterparts, his face never sharpened like the other men of his tribe, and no matter how he tried, he never could get the muscle mass or masculine shape that his brothers sported so easily. With his softer, rounder face and his diminutive stature, he was often mistaken for a female, and it wasn’t until he was in his teens that he realized that he was actually somewhere between genders. Unfortunately for him, signs of weakness on the Steppe are often viciously exploited, and the knowledge that he was not the man he’d thought he was and would never be the man he aspired to be pained him deeply.

But still, he tried. Training with a spear, fighting alongside the men and women of his tribe, he never quite measured up. In training with a bow, or an axe, or most other weapons, he struggled to keep up. Even the realm of aether and spirituality fled his oppressive mind, and eventually he found himself caring for the tribe’s young ones and doing the tribe’s more domestic tasks. In that, he was highly skilled, and highly unhappy. Tensions grew between Qorin and a few of the more overconfident males. When those tensions came to a head, they came in the form of an assault that left him embarrassed, violated, and broken, and he decided then to leave and strike out on his own, so he went someplace far away where he could lick his wounds in peace: Eorzea.

It was once he’d traveled halfway across the world and emotionally isolated himself that he found the clarity he’d been seeking on the Steppe and discovered that he did have a talent for healing and shaping elements. Hearing rumors of a guild in Gridania devoted to healing, he ventured there and began learning conjury in earnest. A few years later, Qorin began traveling and made his way to Coerthas, where he observed and practiced with the dragoons in Ishgard’s outlying settlements while acting as a live-in healer for a time. Finally, he’d found what he needed, and began to rebuild his confidence in himself little by little. Now he travels, offering his healing services where he goes, and hopes to reconnect with his people in a way that will make him want to go back home.

RP Hooks

Need a healer or a horn?

Qorin is a healer, and can't help himself when he hears that someone is in need of such. Though physical ails will be the first thing to capture his attention, he's also got a fair bit of professional experience in bending a horn to listen and offering friendly advice where it's wanted.

Steppe born

Anyone who hails from the Steppe is welcome to approach him. If they are of the Iriq, we might be able to plot something regarding whether they already know each other. If they are of the Borlaaq or the Dazkar, perhaps he reminds them of his parents.

Wielder of the elements

Though not a spiritual shaman, Qorin has a talent for bending and weaving elements like many udgan in the Steppe tribes--specifically air, water, and earth. He uses this in his everyday life where needed, but would love to connect with others like him.

Misfits, unite!

It is no secret that Qorin is often misgendered, and that he harbors no small amount of self-deprecating thought because of the way he is built. However, he tries to promote positivity in those who he knows feel trapped in their own skin, or who are frequently down on themselves due to their own body dysphoria. Likewise, those who have found themselves lost and alone can count on him to attempt to lend a helping hand.

Need a babysitter?

Qorin's really good with kids. No, really. He gets it from his father's side, even if he doesn't know it. So if you have a child and need a break (and trust a smol Xaela man to watch said child), said kid is safe in his hands. Relatively. Who knows what kids are going to do?

Birds of a feather

This small male Xaela is often found in the company of a small owl that is only a scant six ilms in height. The bird is fairly derpy and mostly docile, and he calls her his lady friend. If your character likes owls, or is perhaps holding a snack, Hoots the owl might find them.

OOC Info

Yo, I've been RPing for a very long time, and over the years have developed my own style and preferences:

  • I (MOSTLY) ADHERE TO LORE: I follow lore as much as possible, but there are situations in which little to no lore is present. In these cases I will work off current community theory or bend lore to suit the story's needs.

  • IC ≠ OOC: I separate IC (in-character) and OOC (out-of-character), and ask that you do the same. A character's views, actions, or interests are completely independent of my own.

  • LET'S BE ADULTS: While I can RP in public events where minors are legally present, I will not RP any dark/mature themes with someone I know to be a minor. I also expect an RP partner to act like an adult OOC.

  • COMMUNICATE, PLEASE: There are times when behind the curtain talk needs to happen. I don't require a lot of updates, but I do expect to be informed if there is a plot development that definitely impacts my character that I was not present for, or if either of us needs to know where the other is at any given moment.

  • PLEASE DON'T METAGAME OR GODMODE WITHOUT PERMISSION: Metagaming is using knowledge gained OOC to dictate your character's IC actions even though your character does not have access to said information. Godmodding is taking control of another person's character. If either of those things are done, I will remove myself from the scene.

  • WE SHOULD BE EQUALS: You're not a side character in my story, and I don't want to be a side character in yours. Regardless of social status, power, wealth, etc., we should both be equals when it comes to OOC regard.


  • Pre-established Relationships

  • Dark / Mature Themes

  • D&D Style (/random) Adventures

  • Intrigue Plots

  • Character Injuries

  • Enemies / Frenemies / Nemesis


  • Character death (unless it has been planned beforehand)

  • Extensive gore / mutilation / violence (if you ask on this one, I'll let you know my limits)

  • Random solicitations for ERP

  • Anything that puts a Lalafell in adult situations